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Your ultimate destination for movies, theater performances, concerts, and conferences!

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Discover a world of entertainment options at your fingertips. Browse our types of events and secure your voucher in just a few clicks.

Woman DJ playing music at a club party


Whether you are the king or queen of the night, dance the night away!

Next Events

  • Night Beats Festival
    London, UK - June 15th
  • Midnight Madness
    Barcelona, ES - July 10th
  • Summer Rave
    Berlin, DE - August 5th
  • Groove Fest
    Paris, FR - August 20th
  • Electric Night
    Amsterdam, NL - September 12th
Audience member raising hands at a live concert


From rock to reggae, we got you covered!

Next Events

  • Jazz Vibes
    London, UK - June 20th
  • Rock On!
    Paris, FR - July 14th
  • Pop Extravaganza
    Madrid, ES - August 22nd
  • Reggae Sun
    Berlin, DE - September 5th
  • Classical Nights
    Amsterdam, NL - September 25th
Single wooden chair on an empty theater stage


Food for thought or laughing out loud? The choice is yours!

Next Events

  • Comedy Tonight
    London, UK - June 17th
  • Mystery Play
    Paris, FR - July 3rd
  • Drama Unfolded
    Berlin, DE - August 18th
Speaker presenting to an audience at a large conference event


Lacking motivation or want to know more? It happens here!

Next Events

  • 2024 Innovation Summit
    Paris, FR - June 25th
  • Tech Expo 2024
    Berlin, DE - July 10th
  • AI Future Conference
    London, UK - August 15th
  • Health & Wellness Forum
    Madrid, ES - September 5th
CINEMA sign above the entrance of a movie theater at night

Movie theater

Emotion on the screen, carried on to real life!

Next Events

  • Epic Adventure
    London, UK - June 12th
  • Summer Blockbuster
    Paris, FR - July 5th
  • Romantic Saga
    Berlin, DE - August 11th
  • Mystery Unveiled
    Amsterdam, NL - September 19th
  • Thriller Night
    Madrid, ES - September 25th
Yellow van driving on a desert road with red rock formations in the background


Pick your favorite destination and never look back!

Next Events

  • French Riviera Tour
    Nice, FR - June 1st
  • London Landmarks
    London, UK - July 1st
  • Madrid Cultural Trip
    Madrid, ES - August 1st
  • Berlin History Walk
    Berlin, DE - September 1st
  • Dutch Countryside
    Amsterdam, NL - September 20th

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